Friday, July 6, 2007

Life without EPL

I have been pondering whether to seriously terminating my Sports Channel as a sign of protest or should I "gong gong" and pay whatever Starhub Cable extort from us. I can't imagine weekend without EPL, midnite without Champion League and others soccer actions. An increase of $10 plus 7% GST is a hugh jump. I'm thinking to absorb these increase out of my own pocket.

With Liverpool looking exciting this season, it will be a pity not able to watch them in action. Sure, i can watch at my buddy's place but who doesn't know to watch at the comfort of his or her home. The feeling is gonna be terrible when I heard people shouting "GOAL!" knowing I can't watch the game.

If I continue paying for the sake of watching, I would be sending the wrong signal to Starhub...well...I dun know what to do. Said is easier than done.

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