Thursday, January 31, 2008

Crisis and more Crisis

After draws and a laboured win in the FA, Liverpool lost to a last minute penalty to West Ham.

After the loss, the Reds are in 7th position not even in the UEFA spot. Just what is happening to my beloved Reds?

Is there a internal struggle? Is there discontent among the owners and the manager or whatever.

If Liverpool can't even secure a UCL spot, then it will have a dire consequences on the financial books for the Reds. Rafa would be gone when the season gone. Did the takeover made matter worse or did Liverpool fall into the wrong hands? Only Heaven knows.

I just hope Liverpool will bounce back and beat Sunderland on weekend and get a result at Chelsea.


SportsChatz said...

Hi! Ling's hubby! Oh yeah Liverpool is going downhill recently. Wondering why they can't show their result consistently like during Ian Rush's time...

Something About Us said...

It's something you call "power struggle" within the club that caused the results to go downhill.

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